Welcome to 39 Peers!

What is the 39 Peers project?

The 39 Peers project aims to create an open source repository of light weight implementations of real-time communication (RTC) protocols. In a nutshell, it contains reference implementations, prototypes and sample applications, mostly written in Python, of various RTC standards defined in IETF, W3C and elsewhere, e.g., RFC 3261 (SIP), RFC 3550 (RTP), RFC 3920 (XMPP), WebRTC, RTMP, etc. This is a Free Software released under GNU LGPL license. Contact our business unit for an alternate commercial license if you like.

One of the root causes of non-interoperable implementations is the misinterpretation of the specification. A number of people have claimed that SIP has become complicated and has failed to deliver its promise of mix-and-match interoperability. There are two main reasons: (a) the number of SIP related RFCs and drafts has grown faster than what a developer or a product life-cycle can catch up with, and (b) many of the RFCs and drafts are not supported by an open implementation which results in misinterpretation of some aspects of the specification by a programmer. The job of a SIP programmer is to (1) read the RFC of SIP or its extensions, (2) understand the logic and figure out how it fits in the big picture or how it relates to the other existing SIP related source code, (3) come up with some object-oriented class diagram, classes' properties and pseudo-code for their methods, and finally (4) implement the classes and methods. With more number of emerging RTC standards such as WebRTC and ICE, this trend of specifications without implementations and consecutively the problem of non-interoperability have increased.

Clearly the text in RFCs and drafts cannot be as unambiguous as real source code of a computer program. So many programmers may read and implement some features differently, resulting in non-interoperable implementations. Having a readily available pseudo-code for RTC specifications relieves the programmer of error-prone step (2) above, and resolves any misinterpretation at an early stage, instead of expensive interop testing. There is a huge cost paid by the vendor or provider for this programmer's misinterpretation of the specification.

An earlier version of this issue appeared in a blog article, a proposal for reference implementation repository for SIP-related RFCs.

This project aims to keep an open and public repository of reference implementation of RTC specification including RFC 3261 and other SIP and RTC related extensions. The goal of this effort will be to encourage submission of reference implementations by RFC and Internet Draft authors. In case of any ambiguity, the clarification will not only be applied to specification but also to the reference implementation.

If we use a very high level language such as Python then the reference implementation essentially also doubles as pseudo code, which can be ported to other programming languages. The goal is not to get involved in the syntax of a particular programming language, but just express the ideas more formally to prevent misinterpretation of the specification.

This project will likely and greatly simplify the job of a programmer dealing with real-time communication protocols and specifications, and in the long term, will result in more interoperable and robust user products seamlessly supporting new RTC extensions and features. The programmers will have fewer things to worry about; hence can write more accurate code in the short time. From an specification author's point of view, it will encourage him/her to write more solid and implementable specification without ambiguity, and encourage him/her to provide the pseudo-code in the draft. From a reviewer's point of view, one can easily judge the complexity of various alternatives or features, e.g., one can say that adding the extension 'foo' is just 10 lines of pseudo-code to the base SIP reference implementation.

This project contains source code of various RTC specifications found in IETF RFCs and W3C documents. The source code is annotated with text snippets from the relevant specification to clearly show (a) how the code fragment implements the specification, (b) which part of the specification is relevant to the code fragment, and vice-versa, and (c) the implicit documentation of code fragment borrowed from the specification. The project includes such an annotation tool to help developers implementing more specifications in our repository

What's 39 in the name?

Pier 39 is a major tourist attraction in the San Francisco city. We love the city and 39 peers sounded like the obvious name for a peer-to-peer implementation effort :) Secondly, the number 39 looks like the word "om" of Sanskrit, which has a deeper meaning in Vedic literature.

Some links to give more information about San Francisco's Pier 39:

Alternatively, just search for 'Pier 39' in your favorite search engine.


Where is the software?

The software source code is hosted on github at https://github.com/theintencity/rtclite. The initial version of the code is migrated after cleanup and refactoring from my other Python-based projects namely p2p-sip, rtmplite, and restlite, all under github.


Why Python?

Python encourages developers' efficiency because of very compact, concise (and beautiful!) software that one can write. Based on my experience the number of lines-of-code is 5 to 30 times less than the corresponding code in Java or C/C++.

I have written SIP stack four times now in four different languages. First was a modification of a C stack based on RFC 2543 in 1999-2000. Later I reworked the user agent API and the library to create a RFC 3261 based C++ stack in 2002, with some C code hanging around. After graduating and joining a company, I wrote another SIP stack in ActionScript, which is like ECMAScript, in 2006. And finally I wrote again for this project in Python end of 2007. The first time it took around 4-5 months to get things going in C, then around 3-4 months for C++, around one month in ActionScript and about a week in Python. Based on my experience, generally for every line of Python code there is about 3-10 lines of ActionScript code, 5-10 lines of Java code, and more than 20 lines in C.

The source code for RFC 3261 implementation in Python for user agents is about 1300 lines, whereas a similar library in C++ or Java extends to more than ten thousand lines of source code. For a significantly large project, if designed right, one can achieve a factor of improvement in lines-of-code. Clearly writing one line of Python code takes more time than writing one line of Java code, but reducing the overall lines-of-code has many fold advantages:

  1. Less number of lines means that one can write software much faster. Implementing a typical RFC takes a day or two, unless it is big like RFC 3261 (SIP) in which case it may take a week or so. On the other hand, a C++ or Java programmer will have to spend much longer to get things going.
  2. There is less garbage (syntactic sugar) in the source code, which means reading and understanding the code is easier. Syntax highlighting tools, and embedded docstring mechanism help in a number of ways.
  3. Less code means that the testing and review efforts are less. The embedded doctest style testing is pretty convenient for small routines. Lot of code is easily reviewed just by reading the code and the corresponding specification or documentation, unlike in C or Java where there could be too much of interdependencies among different classes, methods and functions.
  4. Less code means there would be less number of bugs.
  5. The improvement in programming efficiency has further effect on the programmer, as he gets more motivated to write more code, instead of getting stuck in dealing with lots of code. While I don't have the numbers, I would guess that the development and testing cost in terms of man-hours asymptotically grows faster than the number of lines of code.

I have written many large software pieces in many different programming languages, C, C++, Tcl, Perl, Java, ActionScript and Python. And I have come to a conclusion that Python is probably the best, and should be used for all applications if possible. Projects where Python may not be used are those which have specific constraints such as low level access or performance requirements (C/C++), or need to work within a browser (JavaScript) or server (PHP).

Using the Python programming language helps us achieve the following objectives and guidelines in our software. The implementation is largely compatible with Python 2.7 (not with 3.x), but may be ported in future to other languages.

  • Portabilityapart from the Python standard library, the project should not rely on other third-party libraries. If such third-party libraries become necessary, consider including them in the repository or provide clear instructions for such dependency. The module should isolate such dependencies to smaller part if possible. The project should therefore be portable to many interpreters and runtime environments.
  • Threading: threading vs event-driven programming style is decision that best left to the application developer instead of forcing a particular choice in the library. The project should not impose such decision in any reference implementation. If it is necessary to include such choice, then it should provide reasonable set of alternatives pre-built in the module.
  • Concise: Python enables expressing ideas in code in less number of lines. The programmer should further honor the Pythonic programming style. Less number of lines means that one can write software faster, and with less garbage (syntactic sugar), one can read and understand the code easily. Moreover, testing and review efforts are less. The resulting improvement in programmer's efficiency reflects in her motivation to write more clean code.
  • Testing: testing is an integral part of all code in this project. It uses doctest wherever possible to integrate code with documentation and testing. Alternatively, dedicated test and sample applications are included for manual or automated testing. Generally, running a module on command line via Python interpreter should run its test cases and report any errors.
  • Logging: standard logging module is used at various log levels. The code should avoid using the standard print statements as much as possible for logging - helps in migrating to Python3 in future, and reduces unwanted output when the module is included elsewhere.
For completeness, following non-goals are documented too. This project does not address and does not attempt to achieve the following non-goals.
  • Performance: when high performance is desired, it is recommended to either use another project or port portions of this software into C/C++. This project does not attempt to improve the performance if it hurts the readability of the code.
  • Non-standard or custom extensions: while the goal of this project is to provide implementations of standards and sample applications, many real-applications often need extensions that are not yet standardized or are proprietary but popular, or need customization such as to interact with other software or user interfaces. Such extensions can easily be added by third-party developers or via support from our business unit.



Where is the old content?

The old content of this website was specific to one project namely, the peer-to-peer internet telephony using the Session Initiation Protocol (P2P-SIP) and has been moved to its project page at https://github.com/theintencity/p2p-sip. At the same time, this website that you are viewing has been renovated to expand the scope to a much larger set of real-time systems and protocols including SIP, SDP, RTP, XMPP, WebSocket, WebRTC, RTMP, and so on.


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